Kenosha/Racine Friends Worship Group Kenosha-Racine Friends Worship Group meets every Sunday for an hour starting at 10:00 am. At Hawthorn Hollow (880 Green Bay Road, Kenosha, WI). There is a zoom connection available for the Meeting for Worship each week. To get connected via Zoom, contact Tom Darrow at tdarrowmke For any other information you can call Michael Houle (262-705-4126).As we move through life with a sense of anticipation and hope for creating a better world, we welcome you to the Quaker Worship Group in the Kenosha-Racine area. Friend's testimonies of Peace, Simplicity, and the pursuit of the Light Within speak to the essential elements needed in our lives. Please join us in this sharing and in the work of The Spirit.
Worship is held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM at 880 Green Bay Road, Kenosha, WI (on Hwy. 31 between County Hwy. A to the North and County Hwy JR to the South). Turn in at the Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum's main entrance and follow the road back to the main parking lot which is next to the Nature Center. The Nature Center is our worship space.
Our Unprogrammed Worship includes one hour sitting in silence followed by refreshments and fellowship. Visitors and Seekers are always welcome!
Note: Property Access March through late December, Hawthorn Hollow is open and you can access the property through the main gate. Late December to early March, Hawthorn Hollow is closed to the public, but we can enter the property through the exit driveway.
A listing of links to Quaker resources:
Contact Michael, michoule3, (262) 705-4126 for additional information.